Your OPTIMAL SELF in 28 Days - 
 Create Your Stress Busting-Self-Care Ritual 
using Natural and Holistic Approaches

With The Ultimate Wellness Course To Ditch Stress, Anxiety & Burnout & Live  More Holistically

The Lifestyle HACKS that Leave Anxiety, Burnout & Stress Conditions Behind...
...Even If You’re Under Pressure Right Now…

Times have changed and old ways of thinking no longer serve us well.

 we no Longer need to believe that ...
  • you need to hustle to make MORE money to be happy
  • ​you have to take care of everyone else's needs first,
  • ​you are not one integrated being but a series of parts that don't work as a whole, and
  • my favorite- ​taking time for yourself is SELFISH.
  • depression
  • ​anxiety or panic attacks
  • ​conflict in relationships
  • feeling overwhelmed or out of control or
  • ​exhausted and 
  • like ​a stranger in our own lives.


  • feeling stressed and on edge all the time
  • exhausted by 3pm wondering how we'll get through the rest of the day
  • on the verge of burnout or emotional breakdown, or
  • ​navigating stress management without a clear plan

Enough! This Stops TODAY!

If you're like me, for years you've tried this method or that one to resolve stress and stress conditions like anxiety.
You might've even tried something that lead to more anxiety like...
excessive exercising or dieting to feel better. I sure did!  
Here's the thing, you can keep trying this or that, getting lost and/or...
If you're like me, for years you've tried this method or that one to resolve stress. You might've even tried something that lead to more anxiety like...
excessive exercising or dieting to feel better. So the choice is to keep trying this or that, and ...
Going it ALONE and continuing to feel stressed and anxious.
With complicated tools and systems that leave you feeling more overwhelmed. Or systems you end up never using.

and become more frustrated...
And perhaps giving up altogether about your well-being, like I had.
End Up feelIng worse.
Going it alone and continuing to feel stressed and anxious.
Or overly-complicated tools and systems that leave you feeling more overwhelmed.
And end up frustrated Like i was.
Giving up on trying to improve my wellbeing altogether.
I discovered the secret...
...and the solution to protecting vital energy, which when depleted leads to Anxiety, Burnout, Depression and other Stress Conditions. 

The truth is, it's been so wildly successful in my life and that of my clients' that...
I'm on a mission to help others like YOU experience the benefits of this secret too!
How To Feel Optimal Health in Body, Mind, Heart and Soul.

How To Feel Optimal Health In Body, Mind, Heart And Soul.

20 years ago I was immobilized by anxiety. You see, at the beginning 
of my career as a therapist I was diagnosed with clinical burnout.

 Debilitating symptoms of stress had become the norm... unable to 
sleep through the night or feel joy, even though I was living 
the American dream, right? Or , so I thought.

The worst is I became a non-functioning person who could NOT WORK for almost 1 whole year!

And I thought to myself, “How can I help others heal from stress 
conditions if I’m stressed and not well myself?

Most days, all I could do was lay flat on the living room floor 
for hours trying to relax my body.

I searched my soul for answers and realized I needed outside help. 
So, I saw a doctor and he said“your vitality is depleted.”

I had no idea that the way I had been living my life was sucking the vitality out of me. 

And my lifestyle did not replenish this special energy and it was making me sick. I didn’t even know what vital energy was! Do you?

I began adding exercise and healthy eating into my life to try to improve my energy...  

𝙓  One well-loved guru’s diet or exercise plan just didn’t help. 
𝙓  Simple teas, or herbal preparations just didn’t cut it for me in terms of really reducing stress.


These failed to address me as a WHOLE human being. 
And, I was still anxious and became super frustrated.

Then, I had an a-ha moment that began bringing 
me the results I had been looking for.

I decided to invest time and money into understanding myself deeply (which I've never regretted by-the-way), and after many certifications I discovered the secret…

And the solution to protecting vital energy, which when depleted 
leads to anxiety, burnout, depression and other stress conditions. 

With this secret, I started developing a 4-step happy holistic 
method that addresses the 4 layers of life.

I’ve simplified it into a do-able method and it has been so wildly 
successful in my life that I’ve been able to prevent anxiety, burnout and 
depression for over 20 years! And successfully helped thousands of 
folks in my private practice do the same. 

And experience LESS FEAR & ANXIETY in your life.

Feel joy, and wake up energized with a bounce in your step.

Successfully reduce any stress in your body, or mind, and know how to cope with your feelings better.

And be more present in your own life using my signature 4 LAYERS OF LIFE APPROACH.

And achieve health, WHOLENESS and happiness with THE...

✔️ Simplified roadmap.
✔️ With the exact steps to follow.
✔️ In the right order, to create a...
✔️ Successful stress-reducing way of life. 

Have access to all the tools needed to be resilient to get you from feeling anxious and out-of-balance to feeling joyful, centered and at peace. ALL the thinking is done for you. Just follow along.

Beyond the invaluable lessons, you'll get all the Schedules, Templates and Structure needed to successfully AND consistently ditch stress conditions once and for all ...
Go beyond surface level self-care, which takes you only part of the way there anyway, with an approach that addresses you as a WHOLE.

Learn holistic healing practices like POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY and mind-set training, AYURVEDA and body-care rituals that stimulate your inner pharmacy, AROMATHERAPY to change your mood effectively, yoga, meditation, energy practices and so much more...

Learn how to attend to your TRUE NEEDS as a human being addressing your 4- layers of lifeThis will replenish your vital energy lost by everyday stressors like illness or conflict.
Like EXTRA holistic practices only available to you inside the course to further enhance your stress-reducing self-care practice. Both new and Ancient practices can be found here and BONUSES are added all the time. This section gets better and better and include...


CHAIR YOGA for those with mobility issues, or for when you've been sitting for long at work or on a plane, or anytime you need to move the energy in your body.


SOUL MEDITATION to access deeper layers of consciousness and tune into your life's purpose.


RELEASE TENSE MUSCLES PRACTICE so you have on hand an easy way to relax tense muscles due to stress, anxiety, or working out.


FACEBOOK GROUP SUPPORT. This is the only place to receive more support and guidance from me directly. Most folks love this aspect!  It's like getting your own coach.
wasted time....
wasted money....
frustration etc....
Experience things like...
Regaining Your  Balance 
& Well-Being
Feel centered and well with just a few moments of me-time a day.
Enjoying Life Again
By freeing up some mental space and being able to enjoy the small things in life, like playing and having fun again...
Enjoying Quality Time With Yourself Without The Guilt
And learn to be confident with attending to YOUR needs. In fact, self-care is non-negotiable in this community!
Being More Present...
By feeling more connected with yourself and your loved ones... and being able to be present in your life.
Life will begin feeling much easier, lighter and happier when this 4-step approach is practiced in your life.

I've compressed decades of learning and experience into 28 days so you don't have to fall into the trap of trial and error like I did.

Hello 🖐I'm Karine, a licensed holistic psychotherapist, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Instructor & Certified Clinical Aromatherapist with 25 years of experience in holistic counseling and I'd like to officially introduce you to my signature program... The Happy Holistic Self- Care Project.

This is a 6 module online course that shows you the 4-Step Method to Achieving a Blissful Life so You Too can Orchestrate Your Most Optimal Self in 28 Days.

We dive deep into your true needs and address all of them holistically to ensure your Vital Energy Is Perpetually Renewed on a daily basis.

how to set up a daily self-care practice..
Consistently and get rid of the guilt and self-limiting or self-sabotaging beliefs that darken your inner world preventing you from practicing self-care consistently.
HOW TO nourish your body...
Learn proper nutrition for optimal health, digestion, energy and vitality. As well as how to release your inner pharmacy so your body can self-heal.

HOW TO cope with emotions
Learn how to use mind-set training and essential oils to affect different feeling states and feel more joy and balance.

address Your true mental needs...
So you can prevent irrational thoughts and fears that lead to anxiety.

play with deepening your spirituality...
Learn how intuition and creativity give you access to deeper layers of yourself, including your life's purpose.
→  gain more respect in your relationships
→ reduce dependence on alcohol, drugs or other substances to unwind and de-stress. 
If you are in therapy, you will also be accelerating your therapeutic process and Saving Time and $.

You'll get the Signature 4-layers of life Method to help you create a lifestyle that successfully 
reduces anxiety, burnout and lack of joy in just 28 days.

And You'll Emerge Feeling JOYFUL & BLISSFUL.

Here's a sample of  6 of the 33 lessons inside the course...


Train your brain to think more positively and "turn a state into a trait".


Learn to better manage your feeling states for joy and balance using essential oils, nature's own natural medicines!


Learn techniques to eat for health, digestion, energy and vitality.


I’ll tell you exactly how to release your inner pharmacy so your body can self-heal. 


Learn to play with intuition to access deeper levels of yourself and learn the language your soul speaks!


Learn how to put everything you've learned together for self-care success and see your life blossom into bliss!

    Women and men like you need to get back to some sense of normalcy during these stressful times fast. 
      For this reason, I've decided to offer this course to you at an incredible steal. But this offer goes away in a few days so act now to get this deal.

 I can't offer it at this price for very long... in fact it'll never be offered at a lower price.
Precious women like you need to get back to some sense of normalcy during these stressful times fast. 
      For this reason, I've decided to offer this course to you at an incredible 95% discount. But this offer goes away soon and it'll never be offered at a lower price.


Passionate about your health and happiness and ready to live 
your most optimal life in body, mind and spirit.
You're ready to go from stressed-out to blissed-out in 28 days.
Prefer natural and holistic approaches to health and wellness.
Done making excuses to your family about when you're gonna take care of yourself better or heal from that stressful situation you've been meaning to address.
Tired of seeing others adopt healthier lifestyles and being more successful at it than you.
If you've been wondering what you're missing.
Ready for it to be easier.


So You Can Start Living Your Most Optimal Life and DITCH ANXIETY 

Today, with what I know and share with you - I would have paid 100K decades ago to learn this method in a matter of a few weeks as this would have saved me so much time and frustration.

6 Content-Filled Holistic Modules (Value $997)
Roadmaps, Templates, Scripts, Journals (Value $297) 
Community Support via Facebook (Value $346)
Bonuses (Value $357)
Lifetime Access to the Course (Priceless)
 OUR 100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 7-Days
I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a digital product. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that should have been a blog post.

I’m extremely proud of the products I create and I know anyone who buys them and implements the strategies will be thrilled with their purchase. I'm a perfectionist and would not deliver to you a bum product.

That’s why I’m offering a 7-day money back guarantee. While I can’t guarantee that the the program will resolve all your health concerns, I can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of the training and the time and stress it will save you.

Of course, If you’re not happy with the program, I will refund your money within 7 days of your purchase. If within 7 days from your purchase you’d like a refund because you found NO VALUE in the course, just email care@karinejohnston.life to request a refund. And we will be sad to see you go :(.

You have nothing to loose and everything to gain!
I have worked with Karine for several years and every visit, session and course has provided growth, inner confidence and structure. Her compassion and holistic knowledge is unparalleled to any other. She takes every concern or problem you have and produces such professional heart warming advice and answers that makes you feel like you've got this and you are worth it. She is a gift in itself.

- Kelly Baldarelli, CEO exeCUtive Associates.
Karine is caring, compassionate, knowledgeable and truly has the health, happiness and well-being of others in mind. I use her holistic approaches taught in her courses to help find balance and calm, and I find true benefit in her natural approach to promoting wellness.

- Cathryn ledoux, Professor.

Karine has been, and continues to be, very kind and generous with her knowledge about holistic wellbeing! 

I have been using many of her wellness tips shared in her programs and see a noticeable difference in my everyday life. 

Karine is someone who genuinely cares about your wellbeing and it definitely shows in her teaching. Thank-you Karine 🤗
Thank you for the guided meditation video!! It’s crazy, my 5 year old daughter asked me a couple of hours ago “mom, where’s the best place in our house to meditate?”

 I had no idea that she even knew what meditation is! Then I saw your video, it’s definitely a sign that I need to meditate with my 5 year old, we are excited to do it. Thank you❤️ 

I am working my way through Karine's beautiful self-care course. It's lovely! The irony was that I very definitely didn't feel worthy of self care. I showered, ate, and wore clean clothes. But I didn't take time for myself. It was like a prison that I had no idea how to escape. 

With Karine's guidance and support I hit 2 out of 3 meditation milestones. On the middle day, my son needed me exactly as I was to meditate. But, I didn't let it derail me! I did it the next day, as planned AND even packed myself a salad. This may not sound like a big deal but it was for me! I skipped something else & brought what makes me feel good! & then I kept meditating & even did 6 minutes on the elliptical. Thank you Karine for the inspiration!! Now I feel more confident.
"I have been working with Karine for a few years. Her positive outlook and solution oriented style have very much helped me positively pushed myself forward and changed my life for the better. I am a long time mental health advocate and I have better habits and am grateful now more everyday because of support from her. I highly recommend her and her services.

- frank pozzi, securities.
"What makes it great is that Karine is someone who has gone through the gates to be certified to teach, and rather than being a “gatekeeper”, she is delivering the knowledge to those who need it. This world needs more healers, guides and teachers like Karine".

Time is of the essence. After Labor Day, the price will go back up!

So You Can Live Your Most Optimal Life and DITCH ANXIETY & BURNOUT Forever!

6 Content-Filled Holistic Modules . . . . . . . (Value $997)
Roadmaps, Templates, Scripts, Journals  (Value $297) 
Community Support via Facebook . . . . . . (Value $346)
Bonuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     (Value $357)
Lifetime Access to the Course. . . . . . . . . . . . (Priceless)



I’m emotionally or energetically spent. How could I possibly add more to my plate? 
Although it sounds counterintuitive, adding this one element to your life can make all the difference in your health and energy, as it has mine.

The tools shared during the course have been life saviors for me in my personal life, even though I have a chronic illness. I am a testament that this method works. I practice what I teach and have done so for over 20 years.

And I’ve helped thousands of people move from burnout to thriving. I know the road map.

I don’t have much support from my partner. How could I ask for his/her support?
You will be provided with ideas on how to talk with your partner about your decision to engage in this course and improve your health and wellness. This will come in an email after you’ve registered.

My 15-year-old daughter would like to do the course. Is it appropriate for her?
The course is appropriate for adults 21 years old and over. Though your daughter can certainly watch along with you if you think it's appropriate for her. I trust in your decision.

Where is the course held? How do I access it?

The course is an online course. After purchasing the course, you will receive an email from NOTIFICATIONS with your login information. Keep this email handy.
You will also get regular emails over the span of 4 weeks alerting you to move onto to a new module. You'll have access to the entire course, though we recommend spreading it out over 4 weeks for greatest success. Of course you can complete it at your own pace as you have access to the course forever.

 What kind of equipment will I need before beginning?
You will be given guidance on all the tools and resources needed to engage in the recommended practices, so you are well prepared.
You'll receive emails regularly from KARINE JOHNSTON so do check your email regularly, even your junk/spam folders! Or better yet, add that email addresses to your contacts so it goes straight to your inbox 😀
What's the time commitment?
You have access to this course and all updates for life and so you can go at your own pace. However, we recommend completing 1-2  modules at a time so as to not overwhelm yourself. In fact keeping this pace ensures your greatest success.  It takes about 1 hour to go through each of the 6 modules.

 What if I need help from a professional?
You're in luck! I'm a licensed psychotherapist and holistic wellness coach and specialize in helping people improve their lives - should you decide a 1:1 approach is more your style. I'm easily reached via email at care@karinejohnston.life.
What if I decide this isn't for me?
I stand by my 100% money-back guarantee within 7 days of purchase. No worries. BUT, I will also tell you that I'm a perfectionist and eager to bring the best product to market that I can - have a suggestion? Let me know.
 What if I need help from a professional?
You're in luck! I'm a licensed psychotherapist and holistic wellness coach and specialize in helping people improve their lives - should you decide a 1:1 approach is more your style. I'm easily reached via email at care@karinejohnston.life.
What if I decide this isn't for me?
I stand by my 100% money-back guarantee within 7 days of purchase. No worries. BUT, I will also tell you that I'm a perfectionist and eager to bring the best product to market that I can - have a suggestion? Let me know.

Get back to enjoying life TODAY! 

The Happy Holistic Self-Care Project gives you all the TOOLS and STRUCTURE to get you there SUCCESSFULLY. 

Nothing to loose. Everything to gain with our guarantee. 
Act now for this time-limited offer.
So You Can Finally Get Back To Living The Life You Are Supposed To Live!
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